Two Principals, two princesses and a pioneering Indian lawyer

In this group from 1891, Miss Maitland the Principal (with dark bonnet) is surrounded by her staff and students, including future principal Emily Penrose (3rd from the right in the 3rd row), pioneering Indian lawyer Cornelia Sorabji (far left end of the second row from the front) Indian princesses Bamba and Catherine Duleep Singh (front row far left) and Clara Pater (on the right of Agnes Maitland). sorabji-and-princesses

Somerville Section – 3rd Southern General Hospital 1914-18

3rd-southern-general-hospitalAn unremarkable view of House, at first glance, taken in high summer. But instead of a student wheeling her bicycle on the right, it’s an injured soldier in his Bath Chair, and hospital beds have been placed in the shade of the tree. This is from a postcard series of ‘No.965 Somerville Section 3rd Southern General Hospital’, issued after the College was requisitioned by the War Office in Hilary, 1915.  Somerville  was thought particuarly suitable for convalescent officers and was dedicated for this purpose in 1916.  Somerville students were rehoused in an empty wing of Oriel College but many volunteered to help at the hospital in their spare time.  Some famous patients of the Somerville Section of 3rd Southern General Hospital were Siegfried Sassoon and Robert Graves.

Twelfth Night

12thnightThere was a strong dramatic tradition at Somerville in the first half of the twentieth century with plays being written and performed in College most years.  In its dramatic heyday, the College could boast a Second Year play in Michaelmas Term, a First Year play in Hilary and The Going Down Play (by the finalists) in Trinity.  This scene is taken from the 1921 production of Twelfth Night.  Comments gratefully received from anyone who can identify the actors!

Dorothy L Sayers and Vera Brittain at Somerville in 1915


dls-vbMany Somervillians have gone on to great things and in this photo from 1915 we see Somerville College students Dorothy L Sayers (first standing row from the front, far left) and Vera Brittain (same row but at the far right).  Dorothy L Sayers went on to write fiction including the well-known detective novels featuring Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane.  One of her novels, Gaudy Night, was set in the fictional Oxford College ‘Shrewsbury’ which was based on Somerville. DLS was also a noted playwright and Dante scholar. 

Vera Brittain is most famous for her autobiographical ‘Testament of Youth’ which she wrote following her devastating experiences of the First World War.  She wrote many other books and journalistic articles and was a dedicated peace campaigner.  The Somerville archive contains a collection of her letters, diaries, photos and books left to the College by her friend and one-time literary executor Paul Berry.

Approaching House in the 1880s

Approach to House in the early days of Somerville, almost unrecognisably rural!  The cottages on the right were originally used to house students but were demolished in 1930s to make way for the East quadrangle which is now known as Darbishire.  Below is the roughly equivalent view today.


View towards House through Darbishire Quad

The College Pony

In the early days of Somerville Hall, the grounds were described in the College Log book as being quite rural and included a meadow, cows and a pig which were later replaced with a donkey and a pony.  The pony, pictured here, was ocasionally pressed into service to transport  students and staff on weekend outings.

Demeter 1904

The cast on the steps of the library loggia, featuring Edith Pearson (1903) as Dis, Octavia Myers (1903) as Persephone & Henrietta Escreet (1903) as Demeter

Demeter was the College Masque, performed to celebrate the opening of the Library in 1904. It was written by Robert Bridges (husband of Margery Fry’s cousin Monica) with music by Sir Henry Hadow, brother of Somervillian Grace Hadow (1900). The librarian, Margery Fry, (later Principal of Somerville) was the producer.

Hall and Maitland c 1913


Hall and Maitland

 Hall and Maitland shortly after construction almost a hundred years ago and below as it is today.  The building was designed by Edward Fisher (brother of historian and politician H.A.L.Fisher) and built in 1913 to house a dining hall, senior common room, private dining room, kitchen and a block of twenty new student rooms and allowed the College to dine together in one place for the first time.